
  • The Power of Storytelling

    The Power of Storytelling

    At Zing, we know the power that a good story can have when it comes to making learning engaging and memorable. So we are happy to share an insightful article from our partners at Kineo - the award-winning global elearning solutions provider - with examples of some of our collaborations.

  • Zing Award News

    Zing Award News

    In 2023, we worked in partnership with Kineo to create a training campaign for SafetyOn, the health and safety organisation for the onshore wind sector. Well, we are delighted to share the news that the campaign has won, not one, but TWO awards: ‘Campaign of the Year’ at the IOSH Scotland Awards and the ‘Positive Improvement Award’ at the Scottish Green Energy Awards.

  • Overcoming Dismissive Attitutes to Health & Safety

    When we talk about health and safety at work, it can sometimes be a challenge to overcome dismissive attitudes. H&S can be perceived as bureaucratic or condescending … ‘health and safety gone mad!’

    So how can businesses overcome this?

  • World Menopause Day

    World Menopause Day

    13 million women are currently peri- or post-menopausal in the UK. That’s approximately one-third of the entire female population. Despite this, menopause is still something of a taboo, so we were delighted to work on a film about menopause in the workplace with Thriving’s Mark Mulligan in conversation with Kate Muir, author of a book on the subject and producer of Davina McCall’s menopause documentaries.

  • 14 Tips to Put People at Ease on Camera

    14 Tips to Put People at Ease on Camera

    At Zing, we make films for businesses. This means we often film real people (management, employees, customers, etc) talking about their experiences.

    Some are naturals in front of a camera. Others can find it difficult.

    To help overcome this, we’ve pulled together 14 top tips to help put people at ease on camera.

  • The Power of Video (Thriving's Mark Mulligan talks about working with Zing)

    We know it’s crucial to ensure teams feel connected and supported, and to help manage stress and anxiety.

    But how is your business managing its health & wellbeing programme with a WFH or hybrid workforce?

    In this video, Mark Mulligan, Executive Coach and Founder of Thriving, tells us how he has tapped into the power of video to communicate his ideas and tips on this very topic.

  • Making it look easy isn’t  as easy as it looks . . . (especially during a global pandemic)

    Making it look easy isn’t as easy as it looks . . . (especially during a global pandemic)

    At Zing, we love making films. It’s so rewarding to apply our creative process to clients’ objectives - delivering their message in an exciting and engaging way, whilst making the whole process as painless as possible for them.

    But what goes on behind the scenes?

    We’re all learning and adapting as we go in this strange new world, so we’re happy to share some insights and tips from a recent project …

  • Behind the Mask

    Behind the Mask

    Last week we started filming again. It was good to get back to work, even if it was far from ‘business as usual’ with facemasks & social distancing (etc) being the order of the day. A key part of my role as producer is to make sure that everyone feels relaxed and comfortable. Of course, this is still a worrying time and returning to work is a cause of anxiety for many, so it’s more important than ever to be sensitive to people’s wellbeing. But now, we face new challenges that make it harder to tell if people are OK…

  • Be Kind. To Yourself.

    Be Kind. To Yourself.

    It’s now nearly two months since lockdown started.

    Are you fluent in Spanish yet? How about those online guitar lessons? And are those DIY jobs ticked off your to-do list?

    No, me neither.

  • The Milk of Human Kindness

    The Milk of Human Kindness

    So how are we all doing? Of course, for many, the impact of this virus has been devastating. My heart goes out to those who are sick or grieving, and to all the heroic NHS staff and key workers who are keeping the nation alive and afloat. But even those of us who are simply stuck at home need to make sure we’re looking after our physical and mental health, and one of the things that lifts my spirits is hearing stories of kindness, support and generosity …

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